Criminal vs. Civil cases: Understanding the Crucial Interplay for Sexual Abuse/Assault Victims
Often, victims of sexual assault and their families face many uncertainties and difficult choices in the aftermath of an assault, including whether to hire an attorney and what to expect from a prosecutor versus a civil attorney. One of the most confusing aspects of our justice system is the interplay between the civil and criminal […]
Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Georgia
Georgia State University College of Law 85 Park Place NE, Atlanta, GeorgiaMany victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]
2021 NCVBA National Conference
Hilton Downtown Atlanta 255 Courland St. NE, Atlanta, GA, United StatesThe National Crime Victim Bar Association (NCVBA) National Conference provides essential, cutting-edge information on current legal subjects, as well as offers important resources and litigation strategies that attorneys need to best represent crime victims. Held in conjunction with the National Training Institute of the National Center for Victims of Crime, this annual gathering brings together […]
Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in West Virginia
Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center 200 Civic Center Drive, CharlestonMany victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]
2022 NCVBA National Conference
St. Louis Union Station Hilton 1820 Market St, St. Louis, MOThe National Crime Victim Bar Association (NCVBA) National Conference provides essential, cutting-edge information on current legal subjects, as well as offers important resources and litigation strategies that attorneys need to best represent crime victims. Held in conjunction with the National Training Institute of the National Center for Victims of Crime, this annual gathering brings together […]
Mid-Year NCVBA Conference
The Whittemore House 1526 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC, United StatesFor the first time ever, the National Crime Victim Bar Association will be hosting a Mid-Year Conference dedicated to discussing hot topics in civil representation of crime victims, aiming to provide a brainstorming and collaborative space for attorneys who represent victims of crime to discuss emerging trends and issues they may be facing. This event […]
Sample Event with Ticket
Atlanta Bar Association 229 Peachtree St NE #400, Atlanta, GA, United StatesCivil Justice for Victims of Crime in Pittsburgh, PA
Center for Victims 3433 East Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesMany victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]
Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Morgantown, WV
West Virginia University Erickson Alumni Center 1 Alumni Dr, Morgantown, West VirginiaMany victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]
NCVBA Webinar
2023 NCVBA National Conference
Boston Park Plaza 50 Park Plaza, Boston, MAThe National Crime Victim Bar Association (NCVBA) National Conference provides essential, cutting-edge information on current legal subjects, as well as offers important resources and litigation strategies that attorneys need to best represent crime victims. Held in conjunction with the National Training Institute of the National Center for Victims of Crime, this annual gathering brings together […]