Become A Member

The National Crime Victim Bar Association is dedicated to facilitating civil actions to help crime victims rebuild their lives and to providing support and resources to civil attorneys representing crime victims. 


The National Crime Victim Bar Association was established in response to the growing demand of victims seeking attorney referrals and attorneys seeking technical assistance in pursuing civil suits against perpetrators and negligent third parties. Our goal is to educate civil  attorneys as to the nuances of representing and protecting victims of crime. As a member you will enjoy the benefits of:

The Civil Justice Database is a comprehensive resource currently housing more than 12,000 annotated, civil appellate decisions focused exclusively on suits arising from criminal acts and available exclusively to our attorney members. Members are also given access to a National Listserv.​

Our Membership boasts of some of the premiere civil justice attorneys who have decades of experience representing Victims of Crime, all who are willing to offer time to help attorneys new to the field.​

For crime victims across the country to member attorneys in their geographic area who have an expertise in representing crime victims.​

Upon request the National Crime Victim Bar Association will draft Amicus Curiae briefs in appellate cases concerning crime victims for our member attorneys.

Referrals for members seeking co-counsel, legal consultation and the services of expert witnesses and other allied legal professionals.

Through our national training program designed to increase awareness of civil actions available to victims, you will have the opportunity to interact directly with victim service providers, law enforcement and more in your community.