Archives Events

Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in California

San Francisco Law Library 1145 Market St., 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA, United States

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]

Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Washington

Phinney Neighborhood Association 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA, United States

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]

Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Arizona

Maricopa County Attorney's Office 222 N Central Ave Ste. 154, Phoenix, AZ 85004, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]


Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Pennsylvania

Center for Victims 3433 East Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]


Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in New York

Safe Horizons 50 Court Street, Suite 801, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]


Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in West Virginia

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]


Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Georgia

Georgia State University College of Law 85 Park Place NE, Atlanta, Georgia

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]


Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in West Virginia

Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center 200 Civic Center Drive, Charleston

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]


Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Pittsburgh, PA

Center for Victims 3433 East Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]

Civil Justice for Victims of Crime in Morgantown, WV

West Virginia University Erickson Alumni Center 1 Alumni Dr, Morgantown, West Virginia

Many victims of crime do not pursue civil remedies because they are not aware of the benefits that the civil justice system can offer. Educated victim service providers are a key to raising awareness among victims about their civil justice rights. Because of this, the National Crime Victim Bar Association, NCVBA, offers free, full day, […]