by Rachael Wilkerson | Monday, August 10th 2020
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WPMI) — Lebrawn Rankin is the 8-year-old special needs child we introduced to you last week.
He died in April of 2018. The coroner said his cerebral palsy and malnutrition contributed to his death. He weighed just 23 pounds when he died.
There are documented concerns to the state about his condition from some of his teachers.
NBC 15’s Rachael Wilkerson has uncovered warning signs school employees noticed that he was on the verge of dying.
School employees told police they thought Lebrawn would die if DHR didn’t intervene.
Sadly, that’s exactly what happened.
Augusta Evans School is the only special needs school in the Mobile County Public School System.
It’s the school 8-year-old Lebrawn Rankin attended.
Lebrawn needed a lot of care and help.
His family tells NBC 15 News he suffered from cerebral palsy and frequent seizures.
He was confined to a wheelchair, couldn’t feed himself and struggled to communicate.
When he died April 6, 2018, the medical examiner said Lebrawn weighed just 23 pounds.
“I can’t imagine the pain. An 8-year-old child weighing 23 pounds,” said Tommy James. James represents Lebrawn’s estate. He and others feel Lebrawn’s death should have been prevented.
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