NCVBA Member Homepage

NCVBA Member Resources

Member Listserv

To email the NCVBA member listserv, members can email Additionally, members can post on the listserv through the Google Groups platform, which can be accessed here.

Case Workshop Topic Submission

The NCVBA hosts monthly case workshops for members based on topic submission. If you have a topic you would like to submit, whether it is a question for the group to discuss, a case you would like to present, a topic you are an expert in that you would like to present on, or anything along those lines, please fill out this form.

Attorney Referral Service

To view the status of cases referred to you please visit the ARS tab above, also located here. If you have any questions regarding your cases or the status of your contract, please reach out to NCVBA staff attorney Gabriella Alessi-Friedlander at

Civil Justice Webinars

The NCVBA has recently launched a series of civil justice webinars advertised to victim advocates, law enforcement, and other allied professionals. To view past webinars, please visit here. If you are interested in sponsoring and presenting one of these webinars, please reach out to NCVBA Director Renee Williams at

Upcoming Events