Memorandum Opinion – Pattern and Practice Depo Topics for Catholic Church: these depositions are for discovery purposes, the scope of discovery is much broader than the admissibility of evidence; a part is entitled to seek any info that might lead to admissible evidence; these particular depositions are for a limited purpose, however – to determine liability for the claims of sexual abuse by minors by Archdiocesan priests or other priests in the ministry of the Archdiocese of Portland; not for the purpose of gathering evidence for possible punitive damages for these claims, or for the purpose of gathering info unrelated to these claims that might be useful in later claims against other church entities; tort claimants have only a limited amount of time in which to question these pattern and practices witnesses; tort claimants should focus on the questions that would be most likely to lead to admissible evidence on the liability of the Archdiocese of Portland for their claims; witnesses should provide answers to those questions, so long as the questions are limited as per this ruling
Document Details
U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon
Court Type:
Federal Trial Court
Style of Case:
Bankruptcy Case
Victims Counsel:
Erin Olson
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Portland in Oregon, and successors, a corporation sole, dab the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Portland in Oregon
Document Type:
Pleading Type:
Argument Category:
Arguments Summary:
Desposition Type:
Deponent Name:
Expert Report Type:
Expert Name:
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